Weru-ini lies in Rift Valley Province of which Nakuru is the capital. It lies approx. 20 km from Nanyuki, a medium-sized town, and roughly at the same distance from Mount Kenya and lies along the Equator line.
It’s a less productive/ semi arid area and hence the guidance of the children who mainly depends on farming most of the time problems getting their daily bread.
The schools which the children attend are scared in the area and hence the children have to walk long distance to and from the school. In a risk bushes where there are sometimes wild animals.
The area also encounter water problems as most of the rivers are seasonal and far from the homestead hence people relay of bore holes which are few in the area.
Few of the people there practice cash crop farming where they plant French beans, tomatoes, cabbage and capcicurs for export.
The income is very low since majority of the guidance really on daily wages they get the tilling the land of the few farmers for their daily need.